The True Guru

written by Lisa Gniady

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What is a Guru?

“Gu” means darkness
“Ru” means light 

A Guru is one who brings you from darkness to light, 
a teacher that can enlighten you on your path to awakening. 

Do you need a Guru?
Yes and no. You see, every human being, every interaction in life is a Guru or a teacher. 

How you choose to interact, 
and the lessons you learn 
from each person and interaction 
is your Guru – “mini gurus of existence.”  

You do not need an individual as your Guru. – Life is a Guru.
I have been asked, “Who is my true Guru?

This is a question I have pondered, wondering why I have never found one main Guru in over 25 years of practicing and teaching yoga. In the yogic world there are many schools of thought on this topic. Some say having more than one teacher, or changing from teacher to teacher, can be confusing and slow the journey towards enlightenment. 

Through the years, I’ve studied in the Himalayas, attended many yoga conferences and festivals, and I have learned numerous yoga styles from some of the most respected teachers of our times. I realized the truth is...

All yoga takes you to the same place, eventually.

Imagine the metaphor of a wheel with spokes that converge within its center. The wheel is life, the spokes are paths, and the center represents the answers to ALL. Each spoke is a path leading to truth. Humankind is searching for purpose, knowledge, clarity, and enlightenment. Each spoke can guide you home to you—the center of your own wheel, your truth. 

Which path you choose is personal. 
It truly doesn’t matter. 
Just know, that whatever path you are on, 
be fully present, experience it 
and enjoy the ride. 

We don’t all choose the same path. Another’s path might not necessarily be ideal for you, 
yet it is ideal for them. As you watch from your spoke, smile and tell them to enjoy their ride. 
You will meet them in the center–the place of all knowing, where all paths converge when the time is right.

Traditional Yogic Teachings 

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Yoga is more than exercise. It is a path to awakening to your best self— Learning about you, what makes you happy, what are your triggers, what are your gifts?  The traditional yogic teachings are systems of learning, handed down from teacher to student. Introspective movements combine breath, being present with your thoughts, and observing how different postures bring to the surface different reactions, allowing you the opportunity to become more aware of what causes you to react and self-judge. Every class you take is a teacher. The teacher is the guide and the teachings offer you an experience. Through that experience you go further and further down that spoke of the wheel, bringing you closer to the center of all knowing. After a yoga practice you may feel as if you have gone through a personal purification and awakening, leaving you feeling alive, enlightened and at peace.

Why does Guru after Guru fall from grace?

Sometimes students in this new enlightened state confuse the gift of this practice and assign it to the teacher. And that is where a cycle begins. The teacher is now on a pedestal and can get caught in the human egoic mind, forgetting they are just a conduit of the universal knowledge flowing through them. They may forget their roots that we are all one and think of themselves as superior to their students. It is important for all teachers to remain humble and not let the adoration of their students go to their head.

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience and the human part of us is vulnerable. We are all subject to allowing the ego mind to infiltrate our rational mind. Students should attempt to separate the teachings from the teacher. One is not the same as the other. 

Teachers are the teacher to the students, but the 
students ARE also the teacher to the teachers. 
It is a symbiotic relationship, one good for all parties. 

YOU are your own “Guru.”

We have a tendency to think others know more than we do, and sometimes give celebrity status to those we think are in the “know”. It is important to try to not give away your personal power to others, this cannot be stressed enough.Trust needs to be earned. 

How do you know if you can trust another?
You need to pay attention to your inner knowing, your inner compass.

How do you trust when you have made decisions that have not turned out in your favor? Thank the experience for the lesson you have learned and know that each experience gives you more and more knowledge to trust the most important person in your life, you.

As you learn your lessons, you move further and further down that spoke of the wheel, leading you to that all knowing state. Each error in judgment on your part is a gift. Forgive you and any party involved, and be thankful for the lesson learned that took you further down your personal path to growth. 

You do not need to give your power away to anyone. 
Every teacher offers you snippets of guidance that 
you can then put through your personal filter. 
The filter is yours alone. 
You catch in your filter what feels like truth 
and the rest you let go, 
until you are ready to digest it, or not. 

It doesn’t matter. 
Be discerning of what you hear and believe. 

Be your own personal compass to move in the direction that feels right for you at this moment. When you bow your head below your heart in reverence, bow to you, your inner teacher. 

Trust in your heart.

As you spend time in solitude and meditative practice you will begin to tap into the frequency of the universe and you will feel and know more. With that inner knowing you will arrive at the center of your wheel when you are ready. 

No rush, enjoy the ride as you awaken to your true “Guru”– You.


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