Inspiration . Elevation . Illumination . Radiance . Enlightenment
A Channel of Divine Wisdom and a Teacher of Light Consciousness…
A Letter from Lisa
Sometimes things happen in our lives that we are not expecting. Through years of meditation, yoga and energy work, my life transformed. I was gifted the ability to communicate with Light Beings, who referred to themselves as “The Friends of Humanity (FOH)”. After working with this energetic collective for a number of years, my channeling evolved and words began to flow through me as rhythm and rhyme. This was the beginning of my connection to “The Conscious Ones (TCO)”, another collective of Light Beings.
Progressing further along my spiritual path, I began communicating via Light Codes with “The Ones Above (TOA)”. I received Crystalline Light Code Activations to assist humanity on their path to ascension. As my relationship with the spirit world grew, my abilities expanded further and I became a Love and Light messenger of the Angelic and Spirit Realms.
The path to elevation of consciousness is fluid. As I evolved on my journey, my connection to Source deepened. It is an honor to be a Messenger of the Light on your behalf. I would like to introduce you to my guides, and share some channeled messages for humanity…
Lisa Gniady
What is a Channel?
An artist channels images, a singer channels music, in essence all of humanity is channeling something. So what is a channel? Visualize a river, when water flows through, a channel is formed. Think of a straw, water flows through and the cylinder holds the liquid.
So as the river and straw are separate from the water running through them, it is the same with an Intuitive Channel. An Intuitive channel steps aside and allows divine wisdom to flow through.
I am what is known as a conscious channel, this means that I am totally aware of what I am saying although I may not remember. I set the intent to be a channel of pure light consciousness.
Meet My Guides…
Channeled Messages to Lisa from her Guides.
Friends of Humanity (FOH)
We are a group of souls working from the other side to guide humanity on their quest to live a fulfilling and joy filled life.
We are a group of 2323 souls that have left the earth. Our jobs were to improve the ways of the world. We have returned lifetime after lifetime with the same mission. But we chose not to return again as we felt we can do our work better from beyond where you can see. Working through light beings like you we feel like we can reach more of the masses. When we pool our resources together we collectively are able to offer better assistance. Think of more opinions as opposed to one. So you see, that is why sometimes the voice of what you hear is different. But we are here to help. Here to guide so humanity will wake up to improve life on this planet. You are falling behind and need a big jumpstart.
So, we the Friends of Humanity, (FOH) for short, we are at your disposal.
Thank you from the Friends of Humanity (FOH)
We want to say a special thank you to our interpreter, Lisa Gniady. She has been the vehicle that we are using to share this information. She is a channel with an open heart and a sense of honesty. People will see her truth and compassion and will then not dispute the teachings we are offering. She will bring them to trust her, and in turn, us.
The Conscious Ones (TCO)
We are The Conscious Ones, the (TCO), we are here to show you, that there is more than meets the eye. We are a collective of ancient ones and we speak in tongues, rhymes and riddles to take you where you need to go, to show humanity how to grow. So we are a collective of light and love, and we give humanity the needed shove.
We are The Conscious Ones (TCO), the beings of light, and we are here to guide you right to the heart of your mission on this earth plane.
Read a poem from The Conscious Ones (TCO)
The Ones Above (TOA)
We are the highest of the high and we help you elevate higher you see, as you tap into a higher frequency. And how many of us you see, there are 6633, and we are free to help you on your journey to explore the Lighter Realm, and we have helped you to accelerate the realm of the Light Being you see. And we give you the Light Code Activations so readily. The Conscious Ones (TOA), of the other Realm, are here to say,
Thank you for your services each day.
We will continue to activitate you readily you see, and that is the message you need to see. The higher you fly, the more information comes your way.
Friends of Humanity (FOH)
The Conscious Ones (TCO)
The Ones Above (TOA)
You see, that when you understand the understandable...
It Grows.
You see, that when you try to believe..
Belief Comes.
You see, when you trust in the universe...
The Universe will Provide.
So Understand, Believe, Trust.
And your life will be changed for the better.
Trust, Believe, and you will Understand
That this is Truth.
In the world you must understand that Life is a Gift,
And see every situation as such...
Even the hard ones.
They are all opportunities to Listen Deeply
To the Wisdom of the Universe.
A channeled moment by The Conscious Ones (TCO)
Written by Lisa Gniady