“Life is about spreading Love and Joy. Bring a smile to everyone you meet and make a change in this world.”
My Journey of Awakening
Yoga, Meditation & Sound Healing
Within all of us is a yearning for clarity, a desire for more; the perpetual searching for a greater understanding of life.
Yoga practice, combined with meditation and sound healing, was my journey home to clarity. I began to comprehend that my purpose was to teach and help others embrace the wonders within themselves, so they could see their infinite potential.
I am here to shine the light on your path to happiness, to help you see your life and the world around you in a new way.
~Lisa Gniady
I firmly believe life is an adventure and possibilities can be found in every moment.
I have been an avid student, traveler, yogi and meditator...the list can go on. But my path started in a “normal” trajectory. I went to college, earned my degree in Business Administration from the University of Michigan, worked in the high pressure world as a Wall Street trader, got married, and had a family.
Underlying all this normalcy was a yearning, a deep inner knowing that I had “another” purpose. Through my yoga practice, what bubbled to the surface was a greater understanding of life. Yoga became my foundation, my guide through the stress filled world of Corporate America. It was my doorway to finding myself and inner peace.
I later realized a simple truth - yoga is more than a physical exercise. Yoga is a practice of studying one’s self. It brought me to a place of receptivity, to be able to hear and learn that there is so much more to our human existence than any of us really knows.
I taught Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga but it wasn’t until I found Kundalini Yoga that I gained a new level of awareness and understanding of how energy flowed through the body. Kundalini was a mystery that drew me in; the meditations opened my intuition and activated my inner guidance. Each time I practiced, I opened more and couldn’t wait to see what else I could discover. I was so enamored with Kundalini yoga that I got certified to teach the “Yoga of Awareness” as it is sometimes called. Each level of teacher training opened a new door, shedding light for me, “that life” is the real training.
Intuitive Gifts
I always wondered how some people became intuitive. The concept fascinated me. How is it possible that you can know things about people you never met and be accurate! As a New Yorker, I had a strong inclination to be skeptical, I needed proof to really believe. That is, until it happened to me...
You might say, “I awakened” and, December 31, 2015 was that day. All the years of yoga and meditation, opened the door and I chose to walk through.
I will always remember when I began to fully “channel” with ease. What used to be just little words, shapes or colors during Gong Classes, became full sentences, thoughts and a new inner knowing. When I viewed what I channeled, I was in awe. I felt like a third-party, reading what I had just written. Life took on new meaning.
It is like the world sparkled with excitement as I explored my newfound abilities. Three weeks after beginning to channel write, I received my first verbal message while meditating on Bell Rock vortex of Sedona. It ended with...
“Smile Now. Smile Often.
Smile Now. Smile Often.
Save the World With a Smile.”
This guidance inspires me to this day…
Learn More About…
Travel the World
We are all stars waiting to be seen. As you activate your inner light, light up you and the world.
Travel is my passion, and has been since my youth. I am very fortunate to have stepped foot, on over 7 continents and visited almost every state in the United States. These adventures have opened me to a sense of wonder and freedom. Amazing personal growth happened as I traveled. Every trip I embarked upon was like a wave, moving me forward, expanding my horizons. My love of travel sparked my passion for sharing the wisdom and opening that comes from connecting with other cultures, visiting sacred sites, and spending time in the majestic natural beauty the world has to offer.
I invite you to join me on a journey, an adventure to experience the unexpected gifts around every corner. Every day is a journey to awakening.
With Light,
Lisa Gniady, “Manjeet Kaur”
Manjeet Kaur is my Spiritual name that translates to, “When you have victory over the mind, you open your heart, and live from the place of compassion. From living in that space of love, you begin to elevate those around you without trying.”
I aspire to live my life moving from love and compassion, sharing those qualities with the world.
Intuitive Reader
Certified Intuitive Life Coach
Akashic Record Reader
E-RYT 500 Hour Kundalini and Hatha Yoga Teacher
Meditation Teacher
Gong Sound Healer
Energy Healer:
Quantum Healing Practitioner
Theta Healing Practitioner
Reiki Master Teacher
Crystalline Light Code Activator
Practitioner of Light Language
Training & Certifications:
Creator of Codes of Enlightenment
Creator of A to Z Soul Activation Series
Co-Creator of Goddess Reiki
Co-Creator of Angelic Reiki
Co-Creator of Quantum Healing through the Akashic Timelines
Light Activation Retreats:
Spiritual and Transformational Retreat Facilitator
Channel Writer:
Creator of Inspirational Products & Gifts
Coming Soon! Learn to Be Happy Book
Coming Soon! Community Book
Published in Journals