Sounds Are Vibration, Vibration is Life

written by Lisa Gniady

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Channeled from Lisa’s Guides, The Conscious Ones(TCO)

This is a time in the state of humanity where people have forgotten to look at the beauty and simplicity. Understanding that doing, is not always better than not doing. And that finding peace in nothing, is what life is all about.

                                          Finding joy, 

                                                    finding happiness, 

                                                             finding enlightenment in living 

–Living a life of destiny, where you share the best of you, your accomplishments, your love, 

your honor, your talents with everybody that is willing and able to understand the gifts you have been afforded. 

When you live from the place of authenticity, and share with no ulterior motive, more will come. And when more comes it then allows you to help more people, and share your gifts with more people.  

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But then you hit a point and say, what about me? 

I have gifts, but I want time for myself. You are also one of those people, and you are entitled to share your gifts with yourself. Time for recuperation, time for hibernation, time to restore your energy, but at some point in the respite, you just know you can't hold off and be alone forever. You are destined to be with other people and being with other people is what moves humanity forward on the path of existence. And you say, why do we exist? Open your eyes, look around you, see the miracles in every moment.

Hear the birds, the rushing water, see the trees, see the clouds, hear the children laughing, hear the insects all making sounds. Sounds are vibration, vibration is life, when you learn to hone in on vibration, you will then begin to understand the connection of all of humanity to the universe, the universal current of life. Life is sound, creation is sound. Vibration is sound. Even if you cannot hear it, it is there. The sound current can cure, the sound current can heal, the sound current can bring balance to all of humanity. 

That is why people sing, that is why people chant that is why people play musical instruments. That is why people hum, that is why the sound of nature's calls are so invigorating, uplifting and enlightening. So when you begin to understand sound current, vibration, you will then be given a key to move through life differently. Art is also vibrational. It takes a medium to put art on to a canvas, be it pencil, be it paint, there is sound and vibrations associated with that. 

    All creation is vibration. 

When you begin to understand this, your whole life will begin to change and you will shift the things you want to listen to. Think about a baby, a mother holding a baby, automatically she hums, automatically she sways, movement is vibration. So, learning vibration will teach you healing and you will then be able to heal, yourself and others. Things that are ill vibrate low, things that are healthy vibrate high.

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So using sound current to raise an individual's vibration can then restore the cells, adding frequency, so they can move towards healing. But they need to be willing and able to heal.

Sometimes, too much time has gone by and it is too late to reignite the embers. But as long as there is some life left, there is hope. So working with hope, working with free will and choice to want to heal,  and working with love, because love truly is the highest vibration. 

But do remember, if your time on this earth is done, and you are ready to move toward whence you came, that vibration is higher. You may have made the determination that you are ready to return home. So as you move into healing, please remember if healing is meant to occur, hope, love, sound can help a person move towards healing, either on this earth and this dimensional plane, or the next. 

And the universe speaks when you listen:

Just then: I walked past a person wearing a red t-shirt with a white heart on it that said “Love”.

Love truly is the highest vibration

 love is what matters

 love brings you happiness 

and happiness is the reason to live.

Sounds are vibration, vibration is life, when you learn to hone in on vibration, you will then begin to understand the connection of all of humanity to the universe, the universal current of life. Life is sound, creation is sound. Vibration is sound.


The True Guru


Kundalini Yoga: A Practice That Changed My Life