A Letter from Lisa
I began teaching yoga after years of practicing so that I could share its incredible benefits with the world. A yoga practice can change your life—emotionally, physically and spiritually. There are so many forms to choose from. There is a yoga practice for every body!
I teach a combination of the numerous yoga styles I have experienced through the years. I call this eclectic style Energy Field Yoga. My focus is to introduce people to their energy bodies so they can learn to feel and awaken through the postures. As we are all energy beings and each form of yoga works with the energy systems of the body, a yoga practice teaches you to open and find greater understanding in mind and body.
Although I teach many forms of yoga, my predominant practice is Kundalini, the Yoga of Awareness. Kundalini Yoga encourages you to wear white while you practice, as white expands the aura. It also recommends you cover your head to contain your energy to assist you during practice. An integral part of the practice is chanting Mantra and breathwork (or Pranayam). The focus is to elevate you, by connecting your finite self to the infinite, awakening you to your creative potential.
Your yoga needs can change as you evolve on your journey. Keep trying different styles until you find the one that resonates with you. The key is to practice as all paths of yoga bring you home to you.
Lisa Gniady
Kundalini and Hatha Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500)
Gong Sound Healer
Yoga is a “State of Being”
The definition of Yoga is Union, or a coming together.
Yoga assists in balancing out the different aspects of ourselves to come back into wholeness. When students first come to my class, I explain that yoga is the study of the “self.” We are awakening dormant parts of ourselves through the physical postures.
Yoga is a transformational practice to connect you back to your potential as a human being.
What I have learned through the years is that if something is important to you, you make it a priority in your life. Yoga is one of those priorities and has changed my life.
It is a practice of studying yourself. With each new stage of my life, my practice has evolved and so has my teaching. What began primarily as a physical practice for me, to burn calories and stay fit has evolved into much more of a spiritual practice.
What yoga has taught me through the years, is each day is a new day. Each day I awaken more to my true potential. It is the practice of “me.” Going in, learning and exploring. Finding the best parts of me that I can then bring out and share with the world.
Yoga can change your life.
Why Yoga?
Mobility, flexibility, balance, stamina, pain reduction and muscle strength, longevity, and vitality. Moving the physical body is so important for general health and well-being.
The Physical body is the doorway to the mind-spirit connection.
Most people find yoga for physical reasons. Perhaps a doctor or friend recommended it to them, they are looking for better flexibility, or to recover from an injury. But many find that the physical benefits are only the beginning.
Yoga begins as a physical practice, which eventually transforms you on the emotional level. That is the gift you receive from the universe for showing up.
Stress reduction
Enhanced joy
A sense of ease, calm, peace, and harmony
General happiness
You may become less judgmental and more accepting and kind.
The yogic principle of Ahimsa, non-harming is really important, and I stress this concept in my classes.
Lisa Gniady has taught at Bhaktifest, Bhaktifest Midwest, Shakti Fest, Iowa City Yoga Festival, and Midwest Kirtan & Yoga Festival
Yoga teaches self-acceptance. It is a non-competitive form of exercise where our bodies and minds merge into a greater understanding of self. Although you may practice in a group, it is truly an individual practice. The learning comes in challenging yourself enough to grow and knowing your limitations. The key is to show up and honor yourself where you are. Some days you may feel energetic and others you may feel more passive. It is learning to be present in the moment, observe and surrender to the lessons you receive each day you practice.
Opening you to guidance, spiritual awareness, connection and Oneness.
Sometimes we forget we are spiritual beings that are living a human existence. Through practicing yoga, we begin to wake up. We begin to remember and become more aware of our connection to all. This is a side benefit that comes from practice. Yoga is one path back to source. The more we practice, the more we awaken.
What Clients Are Saying…
Lisa recognizes an individual's physical limitations and suggests modifications.
For several years I have been taking yoga classes from Lisa... In the crazy world we live in now, it is comforting to find someone who can help with their music and alternative techniques to reduce a person's mind and body stress….
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Lisa's classes respect the historic traditions of yoga practice.
Classes include not just the physical exercise but also energetic work, and how to incorporate the two….Lisa also has the gift of intuition and allows her gift to guide her teaching and interactions with students. She truly cares for her students and creates a safe space to explore and discover what works best for each person in the class.
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Learn to Focus and Listen to My Body
I never realized how much I would grow to understand myself by practicing yoga with Lisa. Five years later, class 3 times per week…what a memorable retreat. I still learn something new about the practice of yoga and myself every time.
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Lisa’s classes adapt to the ability of each individual person.
Lisa always makes sure you are doing the poses properly so you don’t hurt yourself...She is very patient and encouraging, explaining and showing me how to work around my personal challenges and limitations…
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Lisa’s Yoga Class Schedule on Beautiful Crystal Lake