Imagine - Change the World with Your Thoughts

written by Lisa Gniady

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Message from the Friends of Humanity
Channeled by Lisa Gniady

This is a day of great anxiety. The world is crying. It has been rumbling. It has been crying out for help.
Humanity needs compassion. Humanity is in need of guidance and humanity is in need of a major jumpstart.

There is a breeze blowing in the air and that air is polluted, the waters are dirty.
The air we breathe is poisoned and the people cannot find a way to solace. 

They cannot find happiness. It comes in fleeting moments and then we move back into stress.

No time.
We are on a hamster wheel and the destination is nowhere.
Around and around we go, to find the way to the promised land.

But you see,  the promised land is within. It is a wormhole back to source.
When you leave the real world, and go deep within your inner world, you can leave the chaos behind. 

The time is now. 
Show me the way

How do I find me?
How do I find happiness?
How can I find calm in the storm of life?
How can I find peace in being?
How can I find peace in the reality which is my life?

There is no roadmap
There are no directions
Everyone’s directions are personal
Everyone’s directions are there own

With no judgement
With no expectations
There is a space within all of us that judges

You did
She did
I did
They did

Can you live with no judgement?
Can you accept life “As is?”
As the innocent observer and be happy anyway?

There is a percolating in the air..
An air of discontent
People are lost.
They cannot find their center.
They cannot find the equilibrium of balance or ease, or peace of life.

Because we have complicated life to such a point that we don’t know where the door of happiness is.
We don’t know how to shift this either.
We need to go to the ethers to find what we seek.

You see the essence of all purity is found in the space between.
The space, the akash, the ether, that which you cannot see.
Because in the unseen are the answers we seek. And the answers are hidden so deep, humanity cannot find the key.

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The key is within...

And when you go deep within you will find the eternal bliss of all.
So as we sit and rest.
As we sift through the thousands of thoughts that go through our mind a second. 
Can we pause and find this eternal truth?

We are all one.

We all breathe the same air
We all came from the same place
And we all feel, hear, see, smell, and taste in a human way.
But we are all spiritual beings first and foremost
But we have forgotten our spirituality.

When we find our spiritual selves, we find all
When we find our human essence is just the baby sister or baby brother
We can forgive ourselves for our own errors in ways.

So you see
Forgiveness is what is needed.
Forgiveness of self
Forgiveness of others

And when we forgive
When we forget , that we are all human and all make mistakes is where the issues arise.

orgive another because the other IS YOU

And if you can forgive another you can forgive yourself.
And then the judgment is dropped and we all can finally be free
Of the preconceived notions of perfection.

Nothing is perfect
And nothing will ever be perfect
What is perfect is LIFE

We have it to experience
And in that experience we grow
And in that growth we evolve
And in that evolution we go home

And then we are free
Of the confines of human form
So freedom comes when we let go of expectations

And when we find joy in what is
And that is that
Joy in what is
Nothing more
Nothing less

Because what is, changes 
And never stays the same.
So in change comes freedom
And you no longer need to feel stuck
Release all expectations of stuckness.

Today you are free.


Imagine Long Version - with the song at the end and meditation

Imagine Short Version - just the imagine song

Record Yourself Saying this, or listen to the recording above.

So close your eyes.
See your inner being behind closed eyes
Sense you. 
Sense your heartbeat
Sense you blood as it circulates around your body
Sense the air as it touches your skin
Sense everything

What do you hear?
Do you hear the ringing?
The angels or your guides as they whisper in your ears?

Can you sense your personality
Walk through, your personal attributes

I am...
What are your gifts?
What are your challenges?
What are your desires?
Can you see your own personal energetic map?

You see your map is a microcosm of the universal map of life
So now as you see your piece of the whole

Can you see the opening?
Can you see the light?
Can you see the way out?
Do you feel trapped?

You have the power to shift
If you so choose
Look at the opening and move on through

The way is there
The future is there
You are ready for what is in store
Because whatever comes is yours
And you came for this experience

So listen to these words now
And see if you can make this be

Can you imagine
Can you imagine
Can you imagine


Channeled from John Lennon, by Lisa Gniady

Imagine there is a place
Of love and light 
And peace and no hate

Imagine a land of colors and peace
And joy and happiness permeates 
From sea to sea

Imagine the water elixir of joy
Every time you drank it
You would “injoy”

Imagine this now 
And you can see
The kind of world that we need to see
In order to be free

Free of pain
Free of sadness
Imagine a world of hope
And peace
Let all war cease
War on mankind
The war that affects the human mind

Imagine a land of colors and peace
And joy and happiness permeates 
From sea to sea

Create this world with me today
See it and make it be
See the kind of world
Where we are all free

To be 
Imagination is the key
Open the lock today
And Let it be
Let it be

Let it be


I Am Happy to Be Alive Today - Written Song by Lisa Gniady


The True Guru