Crystalline Light Codes
Activations & Courses
Explore Your Inner Light with Crystalline Light Code Activations...
What they are… How they work... And how they can elevate your life...
As an Intuitive and a Medium, I channel the “Language of Light” to help others. Although we are all Light Beings, the challenges of life sometimes dims our radiance. Crystalline Light Codes work like a dust cloth, to shine up the dullness and bring you back to brilliance. The more you receive, the more you can get out of your own way on your path to happiness. There is a magic that comes from receiving them. This intangible journey is a mystery that opens your eyes to a greater understanding of self. Surrender and Trust in the process and your guides will take you on an adventure to explore your Inner Light.
Let me be your guide,
Lisa Gniady

What Is A Crystalline Light Code Activation?
It is an energetic upgrade, an attunement to a higher frequency.
An energy transmission that showers you in positive vibratory light.
Crystalline Light Codes are geometric configurations from the “Language of Light.”
Through the process of activating these codes, you connect to higher frequencies, on your journey to transcendence. They activate the human “energetic grid” to unlock stagnant energy and blockages by setting a spark in your auric field. Each Light Code activation is a reset, an attunement, bringing you closer and closer to pure source energy. These codes ignite the true essence of what and who you are, opening you to infinite possibilities of hope, freedom and happiness.
You may feel inspired, energized, lighter, empowered and clearer.

Why get a Crystalline Light Code Activation?
Plugs you into the Universal Light Energy Matrix...
For transformation
To attract more peace and ease into your life
To clear and balance your energy field
And, to feel lighter and brighter
“Crystalline Light Code Activations are a deeply meditative guided attunement, an energetic upgrade igniting your light bodies.”
What to Expect…
Similar to Reiki, Crystalline Light Code Activations connect you to Universal energy, filling you with a sense of unconditional love.
Lisa holds the space for your transmission by becoming a channel of light on your behalf.
Activation Process:
Begins with a Soul Reflection Intuitive Reading
We set your intention
A code is generated from the “Language of Light”
Connect energetically with “The Breath of Light”
Ask your guides for the transmission to be for your best and highest good
Light Code is then activated with a number sequence
Begin your guided “Meditative Activation Journey”
You’ll receive the recorded activation and Light Code sketch
First Time Clients
RECEIVE $10 OFF your first activation
Use coupon code NEWCLIENTLOVE10 when scheduling.
The more codes you receive, the lighter you may begin to feel.
Connect deeper with each Light Code activation experience.
All readings are done remotely FaceTime, Messenger, WhatsApp, Zoom or Phone

“Takes you somewhere else…” L. C.
“Weight lifted off me, shedding old stories.” Michelle B.
“Clearer, Brighter, Lighter.” Sophie E.
“Enlightened, Awake, Hopeful.” Nicole M.
“Energetically Recharged.” Ronnie S.
“Renewed…” L.C.
“Free and Elevated.” Rosemarie J.
“Strong, yet gentle flow of unconditional love.” Esme M.
“Energized.” Courtney C.
A Powerful Enhancement Tool
Are you ready to supercharge your activation?
Shortcut to Reactivation
Light-Encoded Art - A Dual Activation
Anchors in the Intention of the Light Code
Ignites & Holds the Frequency of the Activation
“I am here to tell you the impact of these energetic pieces of art. Art is a creation that is brought down from the other realms. And manifested in concrete form to be seen, felt and used in your dimension. How do you describe to those that don’t understand, the reason and use of this item? It is like an elixir that you take to feel better. It opens doors. It elevates the soul, it heals the heart and it sends you on a journey to the light. It plugs you into a greater understanding of trust. When you trust, you find the doorway to truth.”
~Ascended Master Melchizedek
Channeled by Lisa Gniady

Crystalline Light Code Courses
Co-Created by Lisa Gniady & Lisa Nomikos
Sharing “Light Language” with the World.
Unlock the Hidden Passages on Your Path to Awakening.
Light Code Activation Videos open you to a greater understanding of life.
Be bathed in an energetic blanket of light frequency as you anchor in infinite, universal wisdom on your path to growth.
Transformation is a video away!
to Crystallize Your Soul’s Purpose
See what you will be exploring!
Some of the building blocks you will be experiencing on
your journey to awakening!

26 Crystalline Light Code Activation Videos to spark your creative fire.
Begin with “Abundance” as we travel through each activation on our way to finding “Zen.”
Here’s a Sneak Peek!
Pre-Launch Sale Price - 50% savings!
Full Course - Sale Price $244
(Regular price $488 for Full Activation Course)
Single Activation video - $11 per
(Regular price $22 per video Activation)
Are you ready to Activate?
Are you ready to walk a transformational journey with 26 videos Light Code Activations?
Ready to enhance your life? Tap into universal wisdom? Find more peace and balance?
Start Today!
Chakra Series
Check back for more information!
Personal Crystalline Light Code Activations
Awaken Your Inner Radiance
Digital Graphic Light Code
A personal, high vibrational depiction of your Light Code
Digital Activator Images
A powerful enhancement tool
A Powerful Meditation & Activation Tool:
Your Personal Light Code Activation transformed into your
Personal Light Code Activator Video...
Imagine zen music, channeled words, intuitive energy art all coming together to create your personal visual activation. This is a profound energetic upgrade that can be watched time and time again to elevate, energize and renew.
A Gift For You. Get Activated Today.
Crystalline Light Code Activation For World Health and Elevation Video
Want to experience firsthand a sample Crystalline Light Code Activation? Please relax and sit quietly and prepare for this powerful meditative journey.

Crystalline Light Codes
“When you understand the frequency of light…You will begin to see more…There is a vibrational force field that affects the infrastructure of the molecules of all life…There is an essence and that essence intermingles with other light beings, and the combination creates an energy matrix… This all begins with light…See when you talk about what frequency you are on, it is a light frequency and it is coordinated with color variants…So when you see a rainbow you see there is a luminescent energy vibration that pours thru the colors…So back to light…It is a weight...It is a frequency…It is a color…And it is you… You have a density…And a circumference…And when the molecular structure gets shifted by external variance, (It) changes everything…Remember protect your light frequency and create a luminescent light shield always…To guide your way.”
Channeled Guidance from the Lisas’ Guides, the TOA (The Ones Above)
What They’re Saying…
I felt lighter, energized, and calm.
Lisa was the first person I ever received light activation codes from.. I fully trusted Lisa...and was able to open myself up...and be comfortable with the new experience...with the activation... I was receiving something so sacred, unique, and special...I felt lighter, energized, and calm...traveling into higher dimensions...I learned more about myself through Lisa’s guided meditations and journeys.
~Zen Jen Love
Lisa...operates at the Highest Level of Vibrational Integrity
I met Lisa Gniady at a Health Expo in 2019…(she operates) at the Highest Level of Vibrational Integrity. and is a Teacher of Teachers or Healer of Healers.
Working with Lisa Gniady & Lisa Nomikos …(to) receive guidance thru the Reading, Clearing and Activation Codes and then have (my) Activation Codes brought to Life and Activated on a Cosmic, Otherworldly Level thru Lisa Nomikos’s Integrated Artwork…Channeled Paintings incorporating the Activation Codes....is ...PRICELESS…
~Michelle Bastian
The activation you gave me last month is definitely working some magic in my life!!
Lisa is absolutely MAGICAL. Her energy is unbelievably beautiful and warm. The love and light she is, is felt easily. I highly recommend her to whomever wants to go deeper into the awareness, to get in touch with your higher self. She grounded me with a channeled message and shared with me an activation code that I have been powerfully working with. Thank you Lisa for being the radiant love you are.
The activation you gave me last month is definitely working some magic in my life!! 💫
~Kady Taylor
The session offered a new doorway to living the life of my dream.
I had the most amazing experience today. I received a light code session today from Lisa. It was on the New Moon and so powerful. I was able to feel and sense the energy through the palm of my hands as I was receiving. The channel was so pure and the flow of information touched my heart and soul. The energy was true to my soul and vibration of who I am and offered the expression of future potential my soul is evolving to. The session offered a new doorway to living the life of my dream.
~Susan Mavity