I Am Happy to Be Alive Today - Written Song by Lisa Gniady

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Every day is the same old way
You wake up and move on your way
Check the phone for messages you see
Brush your teeth and take care of the me

Feed yourself, wash your body
And you will see you feel funny
As you move through all the motions you see
You wonder what will really be
What will become of you today
As you move on through your every day

Every day is a time to laugh
And smile at all you do
Every day is an important day
As it is a day that is made for you
You are opening the windows of opportunities in life
And you move along and miss out on strife

So open and see that you are blessed 
and you have just passed the test
That you are testing the magic waters
Of miracles in every moment you see
Life is to be lived you see
Life is about you and me

Living a life of joy and peace
And finding magic in every piece
Of every moment of every day
Please don't let joy slip away

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So today when you wake up in the morn
Act as if you were just born
And move through life 
With a smile and say

I am happy to be alive today...


I am Healed - Written Song by Lisa Gniady


Imagine - Change the World with Your Thoughts