I am Healed - Written Song by Lisa Gniady

A Song of Healing
“I Am Healed”
Lisa Gniady

Also featured on mininggood.com

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“I Am Healed” is dedicated to the healing and elevation of the human race. I wrote it for a beautiful soul who was in my yoga class. She was a fighter with such kindness and gentleness that her smile could shift a room. She was the inspiration for this song and I dedicate it to her and everyone in the world who is in need of healing.

As a channel writer, I am offered so much wisdom and information on a daily basis. This song was downloaded to me to bring healing to the human race. During the Covid pandemic, I realized the song’s importance. It is not my voice, that is the healing force, as I am not a singer. It is the lyrics, the melody, the intention to heal, to elevate, to go back to truth, and the need of humanity to heal as a whole.

What this pandemic has taught us, is we live in a global world. We are one. What we do as a collective affects the whole. Let this song remind us of the healing power of Us. Let this song elevate all. We need to trust in “Us” as a human race to come together in love.  Enjoy my “I Am Healed” video created by Valerie Gniady. As you watch, these beautiful images of nature, see the miracles of life. Believe that miracles can happen everyday. Believe in healing. And, believe in the goodness of mankind. 

And that is the gift of this song:

“That we all heal, one person at a time, and we heal the whole.”

“I Am Healed”
Song Lyrics
Channeled by Lisa Gniady

It’s time to heal
The time is now
I am done with this illusion
Please show me how

It’s time to see
That there is more to me
Than I can possibly understand
So lend me a hand

The time has come
To let it be done
I am ready now
To face it somehow

It’s time to heal
It feels now so, so real
And now I know
It is time for that to go

It is in my mind
This I know for sure
So if I set the intent
I will find the cure

To heal what’s broken
To fix the pain
It is something I no longer need
It can no longer remain

It is done
I no longer need to run
I am healed
The secret is now revealed

I am healed
Make is so
It is time for that to go.

Lisagniady.comCopyright Lisa Gniady 2018

I Am Happy to Be Alive Today - Written Song by Lisa Gniady