EMF Pendant


There are many invisible stressors to us that you may not be aware—microwaves, high power electrical lines, cell phones, etc. Our modern technology based world can be affected. The body is a complex, highly sophisticated organism. When it is out of balance, disease can occur.

The Equilibrex Pendant by Superbodies is a Bio-energy enhancer designed to strengthen your resistance to the effects of both stress and electromagnetic fields (EMF), increase your energy level, and improve your mental performance. It promotes a controlled environment where stress triggers and harmful band waves are virtually eliminated. It supports your mental and physical balance which is essential for optimal health.

**Cord not included.

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How does Equilibrex work ?

The basic principle behind Equilibrex's success is energy imprint. Equilibrex's geometrical structure is a precise reproduction of the vital forces commonly gathered under the term :"Life energy" or "chi". This mathematical blueprint has been proven- under rigorous laboratory testing- to manifest many of the characteristics of higher mental vibrations. The entire process consists of a series of Energy exchanges between the environment, your Bio-energy field and Equilibrex generated forces. Equilibrex raises your Bio-field rate of vibration by supplying it with an unlimited flow of Energy.

What are the benefits from using Equilibrex?

You should sense a change in your daily life. However, Equilibrex works best if you live in a demanding environment where one is constantly under the influences of Electromagnetic field (TV, cell phones, microwave ovens), or if you have a stressful career or you are an athlete. Equilibrex produces more changes when a greater demand of energy and balance is needed. Equilibrex will bring balance, increase physical and mental energy and strength; mental focus is sure to follow.

What should I expect when using Equilibrex?

Below is a shortened list of the major effects Equilibrex should bring to your life. You can expect changes within a short period of time. The changes will be proportionate to the level and nature of the imbalance present in your life:

  • Scientifically designed to strengthen your resistance to the effects of stress and fatigue to the electromagnetic field and other stressors in life:

    • increased energy

    • enhance your mental performance

    • keeps you in balance with 5G

    • neutralize electromagnetic stress in your life

    • bio-energy enhancer


Wear around your neck either under or over your clothes, effect is the same.

Wear the back (which has Superbodies engraved in it) next to your body. WE do not recommend sharing with another as everyone's energy field is different and the underlying geometrical structure of the Equilibrex needs to configure itself to the one energy field to be most efficient.

All information provided by Superbodies. Individual results may vary