Wisdom from one of My Guides, The Conscious Ones (TCO)

written by Lisa Gniady

Sometimes things happen in our lives that we are not expecting. Through years of meditation, yoga and energy work, my life transformed. I was gifted the ability to communicate with Light Beings, who referred to themselves as “The Friends of Humanity (FOH)”. 

After working with this energetic collective for a number of years, my channeling evolved and words began to flow through me as rhythm and rhyme. This was the beginning of my connection to “The Conscious Ones (TCO)”, another collective of Light Beings.

Reading high frequency words from the spirit realm assists you in elevating your own frequency. Enjoy this short channel from the (TCO.)

The Conscious Ones (TCO).png

Open the Door to Truth

We are the ancient souls and we speak to you in rhyme. 
We guide you along your journey, so you find the answers to 
the age old questions in the current time examples you see. 
And that is what you need to know. 
We are here to guide you and show you the way. 
To help others everyday.

We are beyond your grasp of understanding dear one.
We are knowledge beyond knowledge
We are love beyond love
We are honor beyond honor
We are all that and more
We are the light
We are the holy spirit
We are the ancient ones
We are that and more
We will open the doorway of truth for you
We will open your eyes to see
We will shine our light out on humanity through thee
We are The Conscious Ones (TCO) and we are a gift to you
Talk to us they way you did with the Friends of Humanity (FOH)
And we will guide you along the path of all of eternity

And we The Conscious Ones (TCO) 
Are here to show you the way

We are blessed to have you in our service today…

The path to elevation of consciousness is fluid. As I evolved on my journey, my connection to Source deepened.

It is a blessing to be able to use my connection with spirit to help others.

Learn more about my other Guides 

If you are interested in receiving a message from one of your Guides or someone who has crossed over, learn more about my offerings below.

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Soul Reflections: "Awakening to Me" by Lisa Gniady and Lisa Nomikos {as featured in Life Force Arts Ensemble}


Journey Into Your Soul’s Library: The Akashic Records