The Gift of Challenges

written by Lisa Gniady

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Why do challenges happen?
It is part of life you see
How do you react when things are not all pretty?

When conflict arises
And you are tested to your core
You should say thank you and be available for more

You see each challenge you traverse brings you closer and closer to home
And when you understand this you will be not be alone
As you see 
There is not a human alive that does not have challenges in life

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The thing is
Do you let it take you down
Or let it rise you up

To be able to understand more
And open up
To compassion

As compassion is the key
To living a life of harmony
But how can you truly feel compassion
When you have never suffered yourself?

So thank the suffering
And put it on a shelf
I did that
I got through that you see
I accomplished another rung
In connecting back to my inner divinity

I acted with dignity
I acted with truth
I acted with honesty
And now I have the proof

That through dark and light
The light wins
It shines it light so the darkness dims

So when the dark comes rolling in
Turn on your inner light
And when you do
That plight will take on a new light

What can I learn?
What can I discover?
How can I grow?

And then how can I share this new found wisdom
With all those that want to know?

How to open to compassion
To accept what happens as a gift

How to overcome
All obstacles
And be able to sift
Through the lessons
Through the blessings in all

What can you learn?
What can you share?

And when you look at it this way
It makes it easier to bare

Be a leader
Be one that holds your head up high

And know
That when you hurt
It is ok to cry

As crying is a strength not a weakness you see
Let the waters that flow
Purify thee
And open you to the next level in life

Of understanding the gift of all strife
So take a deep breath
Say thank you
Understand that some things are just not understandable
And accept that which you cannot change

With dignity
And honor
And truly you will never be the same
As you have grown a rung on the ladder
To connecting home with source
And with that connection
There is no remorse

See the world through new eyes
Look at yourself in a new light
And remember 
The light dims out the darkness

And then your energy will shine so bright
And this is “The gift of today”

Claim this new insight.


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