Journey Into Your Soul’s Library: The Akashic Records

written by Lisa Gniady

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We are alive here and now. But this is not the first time our soul has walked on this earth. Many lifetimes, many experiences--combine together to form a web of the stories of you, your relationships, your experiences and such.

Wouldn’t it be interesting to be able to go back and visit these old lifetimes? 

See and learn the lessons to assist you to live a happier now? 

You go to the records to uncover your life's mysteries and get answers to your soul’s questions. There, you can clear the path for a happier future.

What are the Akashic Records?

Some ask: Are they a physical place, like a library with books? With pages? Pictures? Videos of life experiences? 

The Answer:

The Akashic Records are an etheric book of life, although this is a complex point that is hard for the human mind to comprehend. 

The definition of Akash in Sanskrit is “ethers, open space or sky.” It is a mystical place that stores the records of a human soul’s journey. It is an interdimensional realm that houses everything. Within this etheric database, or subtle realm, is stored all thoughts, feelings, emotions, all knowledge - past, present and future of the universe and everyone in it. 

Go to the records for your answers…

Akashic Record Readings are a way to learn  more about your soul’s journey.  The information comes forth as snippets of information of past lifetimes offering gems of wisdom to assist on this current life’s mission.

The experiences that you have had in a past lifetime can be guidance and offer hints of unfinished karma. 

The records hold all the truths and all the knowledge of the universe within them. Each individual is part of the greater whole, but has their own individual piece or signature attached to them, an energetic DNA. When you can tap into your personal records, these stories--past present and future of the individual, can offer them greater understanding of self. You see, we have lived on this earth sphere many times and your soul's essence is the same, although you are living a new life and a new story, the patterns and lessons may be the same.  So for you, to complete your mission this time around, peaking into the history of oneself is key to awakening to the knowledge so you can clarify and grow in your individual journey to wholeness.

Have you ever felt like you knew someone and you just met?

Do you sometimes feel when you enter a room or visit a place it's as if you have been there before?

Your soul remembers these energy signatures and those feelings of recollection can assist you to clear unresolved lessons.

Relationship Akashic Record Readings can be an instrumental tool in helping you navigate through your current relationships to arrive at a better outcome. You have come back to learn, change, clear and grow. 

If you have never journeyed into your records you will be surprised how they feel like you, yet it is a different story. 

You feel as if you can empathize with the experiences in a profound way. You awaken to a greater respect and appreciation for every experience this time around. It opens your mind so don't relive the same patterns and programs again. 

They are a roadmap to clearing unfinished Karma and are the door to greater insight on your path to happiness. 


Wisdom from one of My Guides, The Conscious Ones (TCO)


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