Yoga Is: The Movie {Review}

written by Lisa Gniady


A Transformational Journey  
One woman’s transformational journey to India in search of answers.

The History


Suzanne Bryant’s life was changed for- ever when her mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She moved from New York to San Francisco leaving behind her job and life to care for her mother. It was during this time, she came to understand the true power of a yoga practice. Her daily practice brought her to a state of calm and acceptance giving her strength for what she couldn’t change. 

The Vision

The impetus to make this movie came while practicing yoga in New York, after the passing of her mother. In the midst of sun salutations, as the sun shone through her hands she had a vision of the movie. She saw the project, she saw the people, the idea was born, an “aha” moment. It was as if she was being guided by a higher force, she knew she needed to make this movie. 

The Movie

Suzanne travelled to India, interviewing gurus, taking yoga classes, and meditating. The movie is broken down into a series of questions: What is yoga? Why are we here? What is our life’s purpose? 

How do we reach enlightenment? How can I find happiness? And how can we move back from darkness into the light? This movie is one woman’s journey of self discovery, but in essence, it is a journey example for all of us toward understanding life, truth and transformation. This movie gives the viewer the opportunity to gain guidance from some of the most prominent yoga teachers and scholars on life’s many important lessons. 

While traveling with Shyam Das, a devotional singer and Vedic scholar, in Vrindavan, India, Land of Bhakti, Suzanne too came face to face with death. She fell 70 feet down into a well and survived. Sometimes it takes a close encounter with our own mortality, to truly embrace this life. On Jan 19th 2013, Shyam Das also passed away. In a sense, the interviews and footage of Suzanne’s time with Shyam Das in India are a tribute to his life. 

I think that this is a “must movie” for anyone looking for clarity and direction in life. Each time I watch the movie I receive a new pearl of wisdom. For all those looking to embark on a trip to India in search of yourself and haven’t been able to, you, too can live vicariously through Suzanne. 

Suzanne is an inspiration to all of us. Follow your dreams, go one step at a time, but make them happen. 


Suzanne Bryant is a Filmmaker, producer, writer and wellness expert. 

A portion of all DVD sales goes to Breast Cancer Research. 


Midwest Women's Yoga Retreat - October 2015


{Featured in Yoga Chicago} This Week's Teacher: Lisa Gniady