The Life of an Intuitive Empath

written by Lisa Gniady

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You feel different. 
You sense things others do not.

You have an inner knowing, but sometimes that inner knowing can cause you to feel agitated. Learning to know what is yours, and what is others, can be challenging. There is a separation from you and humanity.

You live in this world, yet you are not here.

Some might think you are an airhead or have ADHD. 

But truthfully you fly through dimensions at such a quick speed you sometimes are not here at all. You check out. It might seem like micro seconds but others notice. They think you are distracted. You are not, yet  you are here, but not. You live in a different type of reality. You don’t mean to seem disinterested, you just cannot keep up with your thoughts. They go a mile a minute and processing all that information in such a high velocity checks you out. You are not distracted, just processing multiple dimensions’ information all at the same time. Others who are not on that frequency, cannot understand and may get bothered at your distractibility.

So what is there to do?

The answer: 

You need to learn to be in this reality. 

You need to shield yourself from others’ energy, without shielding yourself from the world. You came to have this human experience, so it is necessary for you to try to fit in and make the best of living in this world. Living is a learning curve that needs to be practiced to be perfected. But you see, there truly is no perfection, only your version of perfect. We all want to be happy, so to be able to find coping mechanisms and tools to assist you in this human life, is extremely important. 

Ask yourself these questions...

  • How can you not absorb the negativity of those around you?

  • How can you handle yourself in a crowd without getting overwhelmed?

  • How can you tune out noise and chaos?

  • How can you not own the negative energy of the world? News? Movies?

These are the challenges of being an empath. 

To live in this dimensional time and space, you need to go to school. This school of life is a place to learn how to exist in this world. There are numerous tools that can help you find a way to live in a place of less reactivity, so you can be happy.  Working with the intuitive realm is one of those ways. We teach about protection, grounding and clearing in our Goddess Reiki and Angelic Reiki courses. The most important thing to realize is that you are not alone. We all think we are different. But, you are not. You are just “your version” of different. 

One of the most important lessons I personally learned when I found out 

I was empathic, was asking: 

“Is this mine?”

 If not, please return to sender with Love and Light.

Lisa is an Intuitive Life Coach offering wisdom from the Spirit Realm.


Hurry Up and Wait—My Journey to the Himalayas


Soul Reflections: "Awakening to Me" by Lisa Gniady and Lisa Nomikos {as featured in Life Force Arts Ensemble}