Come Home to Yourself
Your Intuition… Your Purpose… Your Radiance

We all have a yearning to find our purpose in life…to find meaning and joy in everything we do. When we come to the realization that...
Living is our purpose –
We see that every experience and every person we meet is part of “the play” we call life. We naturally call in those, to help us along our path of awakening…
Life is the journey home to ourselves.
A woman once called me a “Lantern Person”, one who lights the path for others to see...
We are all lantern people. We guide others with our presence. As we share the flame of hope…We elevate the world together — and that starts with ourselves.
I aspire to live life moving from love and compassion and share that with the world.
Putting together this site has been like writing a master's thesis project. Who am I and what do I want to share with others? The creation process, the gathering of everything into a cohesive package, was for me, a yearlong journey of discovery.
As you move through the site, enter the pages that resonate with you. Explore the many facets of my world. We are all multi-faceted beings and constantly evolving. So, check back from time to time to see my newest endeavors, as I’m always creating new ways to share what I’m passionate about...
Remember to smile, as when we smile we elevate ourselves and those around us.
With Light,
Intuitive readings can be the path to more optimism, happiness, hope, direction and meaning. See the world with more vitality, inspiration, and clarity. Leave behind old stories, and embrace self love and step into your own power.
Featured Offerings
Intuitive Life Coaching can be the tool to help clear the blocks that hold you back from a life of happiness and joy.
Featured Offerings
This is a heart centered approach to opening to your intuitive gifts.
A unique combination of Spirit-guided words by Lisa Gniady and conscious energy art by Lisa Nomikos, are the foundation of Team Lisa’s growing line of oracle cards. The creation phase is never ending, check back often for the newest offerings.
Featured Offerings
March 9, 2025 11:00am - 4:00pm
Metaphysical Expo
Available for in-person readings. Pre-book your session today!
Crystal Den
1826 East Belvidere Road
Grayslake, IL

Crystalline Light Code Activation Series
Crystallize Your Soul’s Purpose: A to Z Video Course
A Transformational Journey to Awakening
Our Featured Activation Course will be available soon, pre-order today!
Embrace Your Infinite Possibilities
Open to a greater understanding of self as you explore the world.
Learn the wisdom that comes from traveling.
Awaken your creative fire and step into your personal power.
Find a community and make lifelong friends.
RITUALS, REMEMBERANCE, AND REBIRTH - Activate and Elevate Full Moon Eclipse Retreat
Dates to be announced
As a community, let’s Elevate all and live in Harmony
Have Kind thoughts, and Uplift others with your intentions
Accept others for their differences, without judgement
Make your small world into a community of Joy & Happiness
Protect our planet so it can sustain life
And smile, as a smile can change the world...
When you have the utmost Faith in the universe
You know, that all will work out as it must
So trust, and in that trust
See the bigger picture
That is Faith
And Faith removes limitations
~ Lisa Gniady